


张雅姝,女,中国共产党党员,博士。本硕博均毕业于华中农业大学。曾在中国科学院上海有机化学研究所和中国科学院北京生物物理研究所交流学习。后获公派留学项目,于英国伦敦University College LondonUCL)学习。代表性工作以第一作者(含共同第一作者)发表于Journal of the American Chemical SocietyNucleic Acids ResearchRNA Biology等国际主流杂志。研究方向:药物化学生物学、结构生物学。


1. 伪狂犬病毒IE180 3'UTRG-四链体结构及其在病毒复制中的作用,国家自然科学基金面上项目。

2. 水生蔬菜主要病虫害无害化综合防控技术研究,公益性行业(农业)科研专项。

3. 稻曲病菌致病相关突变体的筛选和基因克隆,华中农业大学大学生科技创新基金(SRF)项目。

4. 新型鱼肉魔芋复合凝胶制品的开发,华中农业大学大学生创新实验教学项目。

5. 钠离子通道突变介导小菜蛾对氰氟虫腙抗性机理研究,国家自然科学基金委面上项目。

6. 褐飞虱对氟啶虫胺腈早期抗性进化机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目。




1. Yashu Zhang, Kamel El Omari, Ramona Duman, Sisi Liu, Shozeb Haider, Armin Wagner, Gary N. Parkinson and Dengguo Wei. Native de novo structural determinations of non-canonical nucleic acid motifs by X-ray crystallography at long wavelengths. Nucleic Acids Research, 2020, 48: 9886-9898.IF19.160

2. Susanta Haldar#, Yashu Zhang#, Ying Xia, Barira Islam, Sisi Liu, Francesco L. Gervasio, Adrian J. Mulholland, Zoë A. E. Waller, Dengguo Wei and Shozeb Haider. Mechanistic Insights into the Ligand-Induced Unfolding of an RNA G-Quadruplex. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022, 144(2): 935–950. (共同一作, IF16.383

3. Yashu Zhang, Sisi Liu, Hui Jiang, Hui Deng, Chen Dong, Wei Shen, Haifeng Chen, Chao Gao, Shaobo Xiao, Zheng-Fei Liu and Dengguo Wei. G2-Quadruplex in the 3'UTR of IE180 Regulates Pseudorabies Virus Replication by Enhancing Gene Expression. RNA Biology, 2020, 17(6): 816-827.IF5.477,被评为封面文章)

4. Yashu Zhang, Xiao Zhao, Jinyun Ji, Tinghao Kang, Jianhong Li, Hu Wan. Molecular cloning and characterization of a phenylalanine hydroxylase from the common cutworm Spodoptera litura. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 2016, 19(2): 365-370.IF1.580

5. Qianqian Zhai#, Chao Gao#, Jieqin Ding#, Yashu Zhang, Barira Islam, Wenxian Lan, Haitao Hou, Hua Deng, Jun Li, Zhe Hu, Hany I Mohamed, Shengzhen Xu, Chunyang Cao, Shozeb M Haider, and Dengguo Wei. Selective recognition of c-MYC Pu22 G-quadruplex by a fluorescent probe. Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, 47(5): 2190-2204. IF19.160

6. Hu Wan, Yashu Zhang, Xiao Zhao, Jinyun Ji, Hong You, Jianhong Li. Enhancing the insecticidal activity of recombinant baculovirus by expressing a growth-blocking peptide from the beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 2015,18:535-539.

7. Tinghao Kang, HuWan, Yashu Zhang, Muhammad Shakeel Yanhui Lu, Hong You, Kwang Sik Lee, Byung Rae Jin, Jianhong Li. Comparative study of two thioredoxins from common cutworm (Spodoptera litura): cloning, expression, and functional characterization, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part BBiochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015,182:47-54.

8. Hui Deng#, Bowen Gong#, Zhiquan Yang, Zhen Li, Huan Zhou, Yashu Zhang, Xiaohui Niu, Sisi Liu and Dengguo Wei. Intensive Distribution of G2-Quaduplexes in the Pseudorabies Virus Genome and Their Sensitivity to Cations and G-Quadruplex LigandsMolecules. 2019, 24(4): 774.

9. Abdalla.M.A.Salim, Muhammad Shakeel, Jinyun Ji, Tinghao Kang, Yashu Zhang, Ehsan Ali, Zhao Xiao, Yanhui Lu, Hu Wan, Jianhong Li, Cloning. expression, and functional analysis of two acetylcholinesterase genes in Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part BBiochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2017 , 206: 16-25.




电子邮件:yashuzhang#sdau.edu.cn (联系时请将#替换为@
